Director: Amy O'Neil
Joining Treetop in December of 2018, Amy has a B.A. in Educational Studies with Honours specializing in Child Studies from Concordia University. She has extensive experience in community development, capacity building, and collaborative leadership as a front-line educator and as a Manager of Child Care with the Learning Enrichment Foundation, Not Your Average Daycare, and most recently at St. Stephen’s Community House.
As a Board member of the Toronto Coalition for Better Child Care, and of the AECEO (Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario), Amy brings the best practices in the industry and advocates on behalf of Treetop Children’s Centre.
She has worked with children and families for over 25 years in both Montreal and Toronto and is also a mother of four. Her focus, along with managing Treetop’s day-to-day operations, is to strengthen the quality of programming by incorporating the latest in educational methodology and pedagogy.